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Our Safe Spaces

Welcome to Daughter Heal, a compassionate space where we embrace and empower fatherless daughters on their journey to emotional wellness and relational stability. We are on a mission to help you heal your father wound and foster healthy connections with yourself and others, enabling you to live authentically and love fully.

Why Daughter Heal?

We understand that growing up without a father figure can leave lasting emotional scars, affecting various aspects of life. It’s a journey often filled with challenges, but it’s essential to remember that you are not alone. Our community is built upon the foundation of compassionate understanding and meaningful transformation. We envision a world where every fatherless daughter can heal from past wounds, embrace her authentic self, and create meaningful and nurturing relationships.

A Nurturing Community

At Daughter Heal, we believe that true healing happens within a supportive community. That’s why we curate a network of trauma-informed Mental Health Professionals (MHPs), thought leaders, and industry experts who are passionate about helping you on your journey to emotional well-being.

The Coalition: A Monthly Healing Journey

The Coalition is our signature monthly program designed exclusively for fatherless daughters like you. In this nurturing space, you’ll embark on a healing journey that focuses on three crucial elements:

Healing the Father Wound

Together, we'll explore the impact of father absence and understand how it has influenced your emotions, behaviors, and relationships. Our supportive MHPs will guide you through this process, providing therapeutic activities that encourage healing and growth.

Relational Wellness

Developing and maintaining healthy relationships can be challenging, especially if you've experienced father loss. Through workshops and seminars led by thought leaders and industry experts, we'll equip you with the skills and tools to build strong, fulfilling connections with others.

Stress Management

We understand that healing can be overwhelming at times. Our stress management techniques, taught by seasoned professionals, will empower you to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace.

Each session within The Coalition provides ample time to delve into the heart of each topic and embrace transformation. The activities, complemented by carefully curated workbooks and resources, are designed to promote emotional and relational wellness and personal development.

Daughter HEAL Live: An Unforgettable Experience

Imagine immersing yourself in a two-day conference dedicated entirely to your personal growth and relational well-being. Daughter HEAL Live is an annual event that brings together fatherless daughters from all walks of life to engage in a powerful, transformative experience.

Through interactive workshops, thought-provoking panel discussions, and engaging group and individual activities, Daughter HEAL Live will help you gain profound insights into how your childhood experiences have shaped your relationship choices and patterns. Our expert facilitators will provide you with the tools and guidance to navigate this process with introspection and self-compassion. Every activity is carefully designed to promote growth and healing.

Join Us On This Empowering Journey

At Daughter Heal, we believe that every fatherless daughter deserves the chance to heal, grow, and thrive. Our carefully curated programs, led by a team of experts, offer you a safe space to explore your emotions, confront your past, and embrace your potential.

Whether you choose to engage with us through The Coalition’s monthly sessions or immerse yourself fully in the transformative experience of Daughter HEAL Live, we promise you a journey that will leave an indelible mark on your life.

So, take that step towards healing and join our nurturing community of fatherless daughters. Together, we will embark on a journey of emotional wellness and relational stability, allowing you to build meaningful connections with yourself and others.

Your healing journey begins here. Let’s create a brighter, more empowered future, one step at a time.

Bernadette Jackson

Founder & Executive Director

Bernadette Jackson is a Relationship Engagement Strategist, the author of Access Authenticity and Daughter Heal: A Call to Fatherless Daughters To Take a Fresh Look At Old Wounds. She is also a transformational speaker who has graced the TEDx stage using her 10+ years in strategy development & mentorship to create safe spaces for fatherless daughters to learn, grow and heal.

Growing up fatherless, Bernadette is intimately aware that the absence of a father affects your view of yourself and what you believe you deserve. She spent much of her youth working tirelessly to convince the people around her that she had value and deserved to be loved. When the Lord revealed to her that she needed to give herself the love she wanted to receive from others, she embarked on a healing journey. It was the best decision she made. It set her on the path of self discovery and led her to her purpose. Now Bernadette is not only the Founder of Daughter Heal where she helps fatherless daughters to stop allowing their coping and defense mechanisms to masquerade as their personality so that they show up authentically in the world and start to attract aligned relationships but she also sees private clients as the CEO and Lead Strategist at H.E.R Consulting Group.

She is passionate about making sure that every fatherless  daughter she meets has the tools she needs to show up as the woman of value that she was designed to be. She truly believes that healing elevates relationships.